Which is better – to outsource or hire a freelancer? This is the most common question many companies ask when needing additional human resource in the picture with their company solidity and growth at stake. It is a major decision that must align and serve the organizations primary goals and growth-centered values. Cost, security and long-term feasibility must be carefully assessed to ensure arriving at the best possible option available. None of them must be compromised. Each should be factored carefully to ensure demands and needs are met on a timely and orchestrated business strategy.

BPO companies in the Philippines had long solved this mind-boggling task most company decision maker take time to dwell upon. They have in their roster of manpower skilled talents capable of rendering efficient and cost effective virtual assistant services on demand that possess and match the skills you require. From as simple as call taking to as complex as project or program development, professionals are readily available to jumpstart the work.
Managed Services Philippines does not simply manage people for you but act as a business partner that guarantees win-win scenarios in every angle of the business. Your success is equally their success. This reason alone is the pillar your business can lean on for the processes your in-house staff may not effectively execute. Asiatel Outsourcing is not just a BPO company. It is the silent partner focused on growing your business.
Unlike other BPOs in the Philippines, Asiatel Outsourcing serves as the heart, the strongest muscle that directs opportunities to your companies in all directions both vertically and horizontally with recognized strong presence in the Philippines and Indonesia. Years of experience and the seasoned management backs your business up with world class industry leaders who will ensure that key functions are done; deadlines are met, and profits pour in.
Freelancers flock the market. They offer various skills and cost less which add to their market appeal. They can be hired simultaneously with others and have their own software and hardware capable of delivering the service you need. However, not all turn out to be the professionals they advertise themselves to be. Some turn out to be unprofessional. Others are revealed as mediocre or lacking when it comes to skill or talent. Many just last the drive or commitment you need. There are also a few social engineers who tap and leak confidential information of your company out in the open that harm businesses exponentially. All these affect your production and profitability.
With Asiatel Outsourcing our standards and quality control ensures that the scenarios mentioned above are non-issues. Every detail is reviewed, assessed and maintained. You can expect the best results on time and on demand exactly when you need it.
Further, rest assured that strict compliance to confidentiality is also mandated in all levels in Philippine BPOs. This ensures that your proprietary right is given maximum security as an internal ethics code. Protecting your business interest is integrated when you enter into contract thus, ensuring that any breach is highly unlikely.
Want to know more? For inquiries, you can write to bd@athl.com.hk