After sales support forms one of the most important basis for ensuring long term success of a business. As it is said “Happy customer is the best advertisement” and the converse is also true that a disgruntled customer can create a poor image of the company and its products. With the advent of social media and the current digital age, the time span for damage to be caused by a negative or a positive view has reduced considerably, and business have to be swift to manage the customer expectations.
It is not uncommon to notice how a new restaurant or a newly released movie becomes either a victim of bad reviews or it gains strength on basis of the positive word of mouth. While, the above is an example based on power of first impression, however doing business is a more intricate repetition of transactions. It may also be observed that once an existing customer is aggrieved it is often followed by ranting on social media which can lead to damage in the brand image.
After sales support has two parts, one being the customer support and the other being the technical support to ensure the continuous service. The technical support is applicable in case of both B2B and B2C customers.

Types of technical support campaigns
There can be a variety of technical support campaigns
1.B2C Trouble Shooting
This is a basic campaign that requires technical support in areas like getting started. Some of the beginners or non tech savvy persons may find it difficult to start using a particular phone or an electronic gadget. The tech support start can get them off the blocks with guided steps
There may other aspects that may be effecting full performance due to a missing application or a software. The tech support can do the trouble shooting and get the customer to do the right downloads to make the service smooth and as per the design
There are many industries that use this campaign such as IT Hardware ( like PC & Laptops), Smart phone, operating system of computer, white goods like washing machine, online websites, gaming companies and online education companies to name a few
2.B2B Technical Support
B2B technical support is a more intricate and involved technical support requiring higher degree of problem solving. This can be provided by telecom companies to its carrier partners or by the IT companies to its customers, or by Internet service providers to its corporate customers to name a few. The industries that need this facility is large and wide
To set up a B2B tech support desk requires the right skills, the right management and also the right reporting which includes the correct maintenance of trouble tickets along with keeping a track of closure timelines
The B2B desk requires a good staffing practice to find the ideal skills sets or skill sets closer to the requirement. The B2B desk also requires the customers to work with an outsourcing partner to upgrade the skills set gap that may be uncovered.
Asiatel Outsourcing has been working on B2B Tech support in Philippines and understand the process to make this complex process work efficiently and also save costs compared to the western economies.
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