Every Virtual Assistant is different. Some handle specific work as a virtual assistant solely for bookkeeping tasks and some are versatile like general virtual assistants. Now that you’ve sought help for your tasks and functions because you realized you were wearing too many hats, the question will now be what tasks can you usually hand down to your Virtual Assistant in the Philippines?
It’s normal to ask yourself if this particular task is too heavy or too light for the VA. Should you be the one handling task? Or maybe just let the Virtual Assistant handle that for you?

Here are the common types of virtual assistants and what they can do for you.
Social Media Virtual Assistant
In a world where almost everything is uploaded online, social media becomes more relevant, especially in business. They have to keep up. Sadly, you can’t just focus on it all day. A social media virtual assistant can help you manage your personal and the company’s social media accounts. They will keep you updated about the important events and happenings in the virtual and the real world. Imagine the time you can save if there’s someone handling your social media.
Some cases allow social media virtual assistants to serve as a social media marketer who handles the digital marketing of the company. They can give you reports from, for example, Google Analytics and other marketing tools.
General Virtual Assistant
Think of a normal secretary except that they can’t make you a cup of coffee. That’s how they work. If you’re a business executive, you would absolutely need someone who can run the usual errands of the day-to-day business operation.
A general virtual assistant can do your calendar management, travel itinerary, notes, reports, simple presentation, appointments and courtesy holiday cards for your contacts.
Creative Virtual Assistant
And then here’s the artsy and creative one, ready to fulfill your creative needs.
They can do graphic design for marketing materials, business presentations, infographics, logos, banners, name it!
In more particular cases, a virtual assistant can also be your content writer for your content needs. They could handle SEO, captions, write-ups, proposals and such.
Data Entry Virtual Assistant
Data Entry virtual assistant is considered a lifesaver for an entrepreneur because a data entry job is a time-consuming task.
We all know how important data are for the company. One mistake could ruin everything. You can hand down preparation, compilation, sorting, reviewing, management of data and creation of reports.
Virtual Bookkeepers
You don’t need to worry if you have little knowledge on accounting. You can still do business and give the bookkeeping job to a virtual assistant. They can manage your accounts, expenses, cash inflows and outflows and such.
Virtual Research Assistant
Research depends on the industry, niche or even the profession of the employer of what will be the topic and the nature of the job. If he’s a businessman, usual are research tasks like market research. If they are in the academe, they can hand down tasks like looking for a specific article or a summary of a particular foreign book and such.
Real Estate Virtual Assistant
Real estate people are always on the go as they busy themselves in dealing with prospective buyers and renters. Real Estate Virtual Assistant can handle admin tasks, prospecting, lead generation and such. They can also be part of your support team!
Of course, virtual assistants in the Philippines still vary. Their function will still depend on what you require for you to focus on your core objectives. Indeed, they are an essential helping hand on building and maintaining thriving businesses and/or businesspeople.